Feddes Red Angus

Manhattan, Montana

Feddes Red Angus is an integrated family operation owned by the Feddes family. The operation has been passed down through the generations and is now being managed by the father and son duo of Chuck and Jake Feddes. The ranch is a purebred Red Angus operation headquartered between Manhattan and Churchill, Montana. The registered Red Angus herd started in 1991 and has been improved to its current status as one of the premier purebred Red Angus herds in the nation. This is evidenced by Chuck and Carol’s receipt of the National Red Angus Association’s Breeder of the Year award in 2013. They work with neighboring Red Angus breeders to market between 140 and 150 purebred Red Angus bulls and close to 200 purebred cows and heifers each year.

Big Sky Country Red Angus...Where Performance Meets Maternal!